Monday, January 26, 2009

Welcome everyone

Hi people and welcome to the brand-new writing blog. I'll be posting regularly to this - competition details, web-based writing resources, writing exercises and oher snippets of stuff relevant to the writing life. If you're new to the world of blogs, you don't need to be a blogger to make a comment.

I love the beginning of the teaching year - it's nerve-wracking to walk into a classroom full of new faces or log onto a discussion board full of new names, but it's also invigorating.

I hope you all learn lots this year, do a whole heap of writing and reading and have an enormous amount of fun along the way. Do comment on the blog - but keep it nice, please. I particularly love it when someone actually puts a writing exercise in the comments! Looking forward to meeting everyone next week (for on campus classes), cyber meeting students from GippsTAFE at the end of February and renewing any old acquaintances.

Exercise - what do beginnings mean to you? Are you someone who has a new year's ritual? Do you celebrate chinese new year? Write about beginnings for ten minutes. Go!